I'm not complaining about our TV being tuned to basketball (since it has been so exciting), but the thing that IS getting old is the red X's on my bracket!!! I say this every year, but next year I'm choosing teams by the color or team mascot I like better :) I promise I would have a better chance if i choose by one of those options.
Either way, I thought it would be hilarious to let you see the marked up piece of paper that is known as my bracket. I currently only have 30 correct out of 48. Not good.
But then again, who has a lot right any year? I think Jay Bilas said it correctly when he said, "Anyone who thinks they can predict college basketball games is an idiot."
So here is my idiotic bracket. I'd love to see how your bracket is looking...
(mainly so I don't feel as bad about mine - ha!)
And just one more comment while we are on this whole college basketball thing.
GO CATS!!!!!! Beat Ohio State!!!!!
(oh yes - if the CATS continue to win, I really could care less about this whole bracket thing)
Gotta love March Madness.....